News Urban Sketching

12. Juli 2014 | World SketchCrawl in Amsterdam

Ganz spontan nach Amsterdam, um mit der Urban Sketcher Gruppe Amsterdam den World SketchCrawl Marathon zu verbringen. Bei bestem Wetter skizzierten wir am und auf dem Dach des Nemo im Amsterdamer Hafen. Viel gequatscht, Skizzenbücher gezeigt, wie schön!

Spontaneously going to A’dam and meeting the Urban Sketcher Group. Together we scetch around the clock at the 44th World SketchCrawl! It was really beautiful, the location Nemo’s Roof, the sun and the best: the people. Wish I could meet you more often! Need to move to Amsterdam.

Looking at each others sketchbooks is like showing each other very private thoughts. And you’re absolutly know, that these people will look with respect and love to your sketchbook. Felt a little bit like a child, sharing some secrets.



140712_WSC_dudley_koosjeEin dickes Danke an den Organisator Dudley!   Koosje ist die Mitorganisatorin der Sketchbook Skool, einem Online-Zeichenkurs – sehr zu empfehlen!

Thanks a lot to Dudley, who was the host yesterday. I met Koosje, too, she is the co-organisator of the Sketchbook Skool. The Sketchbook Skool is a awsome online-seminar I can recommend to everybody who likes to learn (or go deeper) to sketch AND have fun with people all over the place!

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